
Get on the Train or Watch it Go By!

 Hello friend! I wanted to share something with you that God spoke to me a few months ago. We've been praying for revival and I have this sense that it's coming soon! Here's what God spoke to me: Revival is coming like in the days of Noah. It is coming in a whirlwind of fire and we need to be ready. We need to make the decision whether or not we are going to get on the train, or watch it go by. Revival will come in God's timing, not ours. The church has been coddled for far too long. There are those who will close their ears to what is being said because they haven’t fully committed their lives to Christ. They like to hear what I call the ‘fluff a nutters.’ They want to hear a feel good message instead of a message that’s going to challenge us to be doers and not just hearers of the word. A message that will make us run, not walk, to the altars and ask God to forgive us for our sins. A message that will ignite the fire within us to want to go out and preach the gospel l

I'm Finally Published!

 Wow it's been a while since I last posted a blog! A lot has happened within the last year. I can finally say that I am now a published author. 😊 My first poetry book, My Love Letters to You made its debut June 28, 2022 and my first YA novel's released day is the 30th of this month. I am so grateful for those who have supported me throughout my writing journey. God has blessed me with a gift and I am going to use it to further His Kingdom!  If you would like to follow my writing journey, you can click here  to go to my website. You can find out more about my books and any other upcoming information too! Have a blessed day! Lisa

What's Been Going On...

 Hello everyone!  It's been a while and exciting things are happening! 😁  I have FINALLY taken that scary step and quit my job to concentrate on becoming an indie author. I did pray and seek God for His guidance and He opened that door wide! I'm currently putting together my first ever poetry collection AND my first novella, To Smile Again. I am waiting on the cover design and working on edits.  I'm SO excited you have no idea! 😆 I'm praying they will be ready for publication by August/September 2021.  Something else that I have added to my writing adventure is...YouTube!!! Yep, I started  vlogs documenting my writing progress. It's been so much fun, but I say 'um' a lot. 😂 Well that's about all I've got going on. I hope you're doing well and don't forget. When you feel like giving up...KEEP PUSHING ON!!!!  Blessings 💮

I Do Not Know You

But he answered and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.   Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.   (Matthew 25:12, 13 NKJV) When I read these words, ‘I do not know you,’ I felt a blast to my heart.   To be standing there, in the presence of Almighty God, ready to spend eternity with Him, only to hear those gut-wrenching five words! That fear, that blast to my heart I felt, is what keeps me on the straight and narrow path.   Yes, I have questioned God about the path He has me walking right now and have often strayed when it got too difficult, but I am quick to repent and ask for forgiveness because I never want to hear those five words spoken to me.   I know that no matter how difficult or tiresome this battle is; I must press on. I find my strength through God’s word and the encouragement of others to keep going forward. “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Phil

Happy Mother's Day!

Hello everyone! I know that Mother's Day has already passed, but I wanted to share something I wrote last year. I hesitated because this is really difficult for me to talk about. When I asked God why He wanted me to share such a personal and painful time in my life, His answer was simple. You need to heal. So, here I am being open, being vulnerable, but most of all, being obedient.  Happy Mother's Day! I wanted to share something that I wrote last year during this time. It's entitled Forever in My Heart and it's dedicated to the children I've lost who are waiting in heaven! *** Forever in My Heart To the one, I’ve never met, but I hold closest to my heart. I never got to see your face, oh your beautiful face that would light up even my darkest day. I never got to hold your hand as you took your first step. Or picked you up when you’d fall and scrape your knee. I never got to wipe away your tears or snuggled with you while you slept. I never got to walk

Tell Your Heart to Beat Again

For the past few months, I’ve been in what I call the ‘crazy train roller coaster.' Whenever I start to feel like life’s getting better and the crazy train roller coaster is about to come to a stop, I get hit again. I used to look forward to waking up to see what God has in store for me. Now? I go through my day like I’m on autopilot. Have you ever felt like you’re just going through the motion of the day? Yesterday as I was driving home from the grocery store, the song, “ Tell Your Heart to Beat Again ” by Danny Gokey came on the radio. I listened to the words as the weight of life’s pressures well up. The tears flowed as I tried to blink free from the watery cloud that filled my eyes. I listened as he sang these words. It was as if he had written it for me!  Tell your heart to beat again Close your eyes and breathe it in Let the shadows fall away Step into the light of grace Yesterday's a closing door You don't live there anymore Say goodbye to where you&

Don't Be Caught Sleeping

A while ago during one of my morning devotions, the words ‘don’t be caught sleeping’ kept coming to mind. I immediately prayed that I wouldn’t be caught sleeping, but caught being about my Father’s business. Our minds should remain sober and alert because the enemy is roaming this world. 1 Peter 5:8 (NKJV) says, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Satan’s number one goal is to destroy God’s children. He will lie to you and tell you that he will give you the desires of this world like fame, riches, etc. if you follow him. You start to listen to his lies because they sound pleasing and before you know it, you're justifying your actions all the while begging God to forgive you for falling for the enemy’s lies. Yes, God will forgive you, but why put yourself in that predicament? We get so caught up with what the world has to offer, especially when we start comparing ourselves to them and soon become

There's a Snake in Your Garden

I once heard a story about a couple who were having a quiet evening when their dogs suddenly began barking. They got louder, so the husband went outside to check on things. In a panic, he called to his wife and told her there was a snake in the corner of the entryway. While she kept an eye on the 4-foot snake, he went and got a shovel and a knife. After taking care of the snake, reality hit. In order for her husband to get out the front door, he passed right by the snake that could’ve struck out and bit him, or worse. God protected them both from harm. We must be careful to keep watch of our surroundings, especially our homes. The enemy will use any way possible to slither in and lay in wait to strike out and destroy. Just like he did when he made his move on Eve in the garden. He convinced her that it was okay to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge and that nothing bad would happen. And so, she ate the fruit, then gave it to Adam to eat. But what happened after they ate

Have You Lost Your Voice?

 I recently heard a story of a young woman who hid her identity just to fit in. My first thought was, ‘wow, I can relate.’ She went to an Ivy League school for their engineering program but, people doubted her intelligence because she was of a different culture. They didn’t think she belonged at this school and pretty soon their words sunk in and she began to believe them. She dropped out of that school and went to another where she wasn’t the minority. She lost herself. She lost her voice because of what others thought of her. Growing up in Hawaii I never felt like a minority or the need to hide who I was to fit in. It wasn’t until we moved from Hawaii to another state where I had my first encounter with someone who made me feel beneath them. I worked at a preschool and would often open the main door for parents and kids. One day a father came to pick up his child and when I opened the door, I said ‘hello.’ He looked past me and did not say one word, just kept walking. Another par

What keeps you from going all in?

What happens when God calls you to step out from the comfort of your safe little box? Do you step out and say, ‘okay God, it’s You and me?’ Or do you say, ‘no way’ and triple check that the door is securely bolted? So what keeps you from going all in?  Fear, doubt, anxiety, isolation, depression, business…just to name a few. Whenever I am going through something, somehow God reminds me of the promises He’s made. A scripture verse or an encouraging word from someone helps bring my focus back on Him.  Fear has kept me from doing the things that I’ve wanted to do for most of my life. I’ve been told many times that I wasn’t good enough and made to feel worthless. I stayed in my corner, safe in my box afraid to take a leap of faith and step out. Over the years I have set so many goals for myself, but the voice in my head made sure that I would stay right where I was. It is an ongoing battle that even now as I am writing this, the voice is telling me that nobody cares about what I have